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  Prolific Publishing, Inc. :: Screen Savers :: Marine Aquarium PPC

All sales are final. Please download and try our software products before you purchase them.

  Marine Aquarium PPC
Frequently Asked Questions

Marine Aquarium PPC
Top Questions
1. What are the Marine Aquarium PPC system requirements?

Before You Buy
1. What are the Marine Aquarium PPC system requirements?

Accounts & Keycodes
1. I lost my Keycode OR I made my purchase but have not received my keycode.
2. I enter my Keycode and nothing happens.

1. How do I install the Marine Aquarium PPC once I have purchased a Keycode?
2. How do I install Visual Basic Runtime?
3. How do I uninstall Marine Aquarium PPC?
4. How do I uninstall Visual Basic Runtime?

1. Marine Aquarium Settings


Screen Savers & Burn-in


Before You Buy

1. What are the Marine Aquarium PPC system requirements?

To run Marine Aquarium PPC, we recommend:

Accounts & Keycodes

1. I lost my Keycode OR I made my purchase but have not received my keycode.

Please go HERE and enter your email to retrieve your keycode.

If this procedure does not work, Email us the following information where applicable and we can retrieve your information from our customer database:

  • The full name you registered under.

  • The Order Number from your confirmation e-mail.

  • Both the first four AND last four numbers of the credit card you used.

  • Your email address at the time of purchase.

  • Your old Keycode. (If you are upgrading from an older code)

  • The date of your purchase.

2. I enter my Keycode and nothing happens.

Some characters in the Keycode can be easily confused (i.e. O and zero, capitol I and the number one, etc.). Double-check your Keycode and try entering it again. If you continue to have trouble, E-mail us as outlined HERE.


1. How do I install the Marine Aquarium PPC once I have purchased a Keycode?

IMPORTANT: In some models of the Pocket PC, Visual Basic Runtime is needed to properly run Marine Aquarium, see the instructions HERE on how to install Visual Basic Runtime.

It is recommended that you remove old installations of Marine Aquarium PPC.

1. Extract the Marine Aquarium Pocket PC ZIP file using your local extracting tool, eg. WinZip, WinRAR, etc...

2. From the folder where you extracted the Marine Aquarium Pocket PC files, double click on SETUP.EXE.

3. Setup will then ask you to install MA-PPC, you may change the destination folder but the default destination folder is recommended. Then click on OK.

4. Setup will ask to install Marine Aquarium PPC in the default Applications directory on your Pocket PC. We strongly recommend installing Marine Aquarium PPC into a storage card rather than the main memory, which is the default installation location. Click on NO to change the destination media or click on YES to proceed with the installation on the default location. If you selected YES, skip step number 5.

5. Select the destination media from the drop down menu, a storage card is recommended and then click on OK.

After installing, a window will pop up prompting you to check you mobile device screen. Click on OK and check your Pocket PC.

7. Marine Aquarium PPC installation may ask/confirm you to replace several existing files, Clicking YES will replace the file, NO will not replace the file, YES TO ALL will replace several files and NO TO ALL will not replace any files. It is advised to compare the file dates and keep the more recent file. After Selecting, Marine Aquarium PPC Setup will finish up with the installation.

8. To run Marine Aquarium Pocket PC, Click on START and from the menu, select Marine Aquarium PPC. If it is not on the menu then open the Programs folder and run Marine Aquarium PPC.

9. Wait for a few seconds, an Instructions window will appear, read the instructions click on REGISTER button to enter your key code to get the full potential of the program. Click on the QUIT button to Exit program and the CONTINUE button to continue trying the program.

10. Congratulations, you are done and ready to play around with Marine Aquarium Pocket PC.

2. How do I install Visual Basic Runtime?

Visual Basic is a simple programming language used to write a variety of Windows based programs. With some Pocket PC models, you must install Visual Basic Runtime to run Marine Aquarium.

Installing Visual Basic Runtime - from Microsoft

1. After downloading file from Microsoft, use ActiveSync "Explore" feature to download the CAB file to your Windows Mobile-based Pocket PC 2003 device.

2. Once you have downloaded the file to the device, you can use "File Explorer" to browse to the file and tap on it to install.

Click HERE to read more information about Visual Basic Runtime installation

Installing Visual Basic Runtime - from

1. Extract the Visual Basic Runtime ZIP file using your local extracting tool, eg. WinZip, WinRAR, etc...

2. From the folder where you extracted the Visual Basic Runtime files, double click on SETUP.EXE.

3. Setup will ask you install the files in the Marine Aquarium PPC folder, you may change the destination folder but the default destination folder is recommended. Then click on OK.

4. Setup will ask to install Visual Basic Runtime in the default Applications directory on your Pocket PC. We strongly recommend installing MA-PPC into a storage card rather than the main memory, which is the default installation location. Click on NO to change the destination media or click on YES to proceed with the installation on the default location. If you selected YES, skip step number 5.

5. Select the destination media from the drop down menu, a storage card is recommended and then click on OK.

6. Installer will then prompt you to check you mobile device screen. Click on OK and check your Pocket PC and finish installation from there.

3. How do I uninstall Marine Aquarium PPC?

To uninstall Marine Aquarium PPC from your Pocket PC, follow the instructions below:

1. Open REMOVE PROGRAMS located under the SYSTEM SETTINGS in your pocket PC.

2. Highlight Prolific Marine Aquarium PPC and then Click on the REMOVE button.

3. When a confirmation window appears, select YES.

4. How do I uninstall Visual Basic Runtime?

To uninstall Visual Basic Runtime from your Pocket PC, follow the instructions below:

1. Open REMOVE PROGRAMS located under the SYSTEM SETTINGS in your pocket PC.

2. Highlight Microsoft VB Runtimes for Pocket PC and then Click on the REMOVE button.

3. When a confirmation window appears, select YES.


1. Marine Aquarium Settings

Instructions Window
When Marine Aquarium is running, clicking on the top or bottom of the screen will open the Instructions window. Clicking on the coral in the middle of the screen will exit the program. Clicking on the bottom third of the screen will move the clock.

The three buttons at the bottom of the Instructions window do the following:

Options - Clicking this will take you to the Options menu. See below for more information on the Options menu and its settings.

Quit - Clicking this will exit Marine Aquarium.

Continue - Clicking this will take you back to Marine Aquarium.

Options Menu
In the Options menu you have the following:

Fish drop-down menus - The different types of Fish can be selected from these drop-down menus. Click the menu, then the Fish you want.

Background Lighting - This slider will change the lighting of the Aquarium's background.

Big Letters on Clock - Checking this will enlarge the size of the clock's display for easier reading.

Once you have chosen the settings you want, click the SAVE button at the bottom of the menu. If you do not want to save the settings you have chosen, click the CANCEL button.


Screen Savers & Burn-in


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