Prolific Publishing, Inc. :: Screen Savers :: OS 9
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OS 9 |
Marine Aquarium 2.0 for Mac OS 9
You've seen aquarium programs before, but you've never seen anything like this! Marine Life so vibrant you won't believe your eyes. Indescribable realism! Theses fish are actual 3D Models, not flat images dragged across the screen.
This is a legacy product for our Macintosh OS 9 customers.
Our price: $14.95 ( Digital download only )
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Marine Aquarium Time 1.1 for Mac OS 9
This legacy product for our Macintosh OS 9 customers includes Marine Aquarium plus we've embedded a "crystal" within the coral, and on it we've etched a Tiffany style clock, a "Day Date Time" display, and a calendar.
Our price: $19.95 ( Digital download only )
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